9/10/2020 1 Comment Rick Gordon Seeking Advice...Hey Isaac, I am trying to cut down on my mile time. Right now I can run a mile in about 9 minutes, but I always get this sharp, shooting pain in my abdomen and I don't know what to do about it. Also, my dog keeps s&*%ing in the house. Do you think that has something to do with my mile time? Thanks, Rick Isaac Bayer Responds...Greetings Rick,
We can address the first portion of the question. My answer is simple, but likely disappointing. I am no doctor, so for me to give any medical advice over the internet could be legally considered malpractice. However, in my personal opinion alone, perhaps you should take a break on running. You can do other cardio activities in the meantime. Now for the second portion of the question. Your dog has no idea of the concept of a mile or of time. You need to take your dog out man. Regards, Isaac Bayer
1 Comment
7/26/2020 0 Comments Jeff Freeman Seeking Advice...Dear Isaac, Do you think you should have your “man-card” revoked if you can’t change your own tire? My Dad gives me a hard time about it. I’m 45 years old by the way. Oh, and also, what do you think about news network party bias? Thanks, Jeff Isaac Bayer Responds...Greetings Jeff,
I think what is important to consider perhaps the root cause of this situation first. Do you know HOW to change the tire? Do you know how to do other things like check tire pressure, maybe change your oil? Furthermore, has anyone taught you to do these things? If your father laughs at you and all the while he has failed to impart to you that knowledge, then I would say it is no fault of your own. If, however, he HAS taught you and you still cannot change the tire, then unfortunately you will need to report to the DMV to return your man card. One of the most manly things is to have knowledge and ability to car for one’s automobile. If you are unable to make that happen, then I will let your own father describe to you the consequences. As for news network party bias, I am under legal contract by AYN2K to not discuss any form of politics to answer a question or give advice. Best regards, Isaac Bayer 5/15/2020 2 Comments Brad Dover Seeking AdviceIsaac, I need some help. My wife keeps going on "business trips" and is gone for days on end, but I can see her car is parked at her friend Gary's house and I have actually ran into her at the grocery store a couple of times (with tons of Gatorade) when she is supposed to be away for business. Should I be concerned? Also, any tips on how to tie your shoes faster? I need to save some time in the mornings! Thanks, Brad Isaac Bayer answers...Hello Brad,
Unfortunately, my shoe tying abilities are no greater than they were when I was a young lad. I cannot help you there. On the other hand, I may be able to provide some guidance in regards to your wife’s strange behaviors. You see Brad, when a marriage lasts for many years, things tend to become stagnant. It is your duty, Brad, as the man of the household to show your wife that you’re the man she fell in love with so many years ago. Cut some firewood, wrestle a bear, fistfight a biker, increase your testosterone. These are all great ways to prove your manly worth. Brad, I’ll keep it a buck with you. Your wife is losing interest. I won’t dive into the Gary situation, and especially not the Gatorade situation. For now, Brad, focus on bringing your wife back on in. Show her she’s going to need even more electrolytes when YOU’RE done with her. Best regards, Isaac 8/6/2019 0 Comments Fred D. Seeking AdviceMany years ago I had a UFO experience. It was so traumatic that I cannot tell you about it. It still is on my mind all the time. I heard that you give excellent advice. How can you help me deal with this? Isaac Bayer answers...Hello Fred. I understand your trauma when it comes to UFO experiences, I know a man who was abducted by aliens as well, and the poor fella seems to have been a little more than probed, if you know what I mean. Anyway, when it comes to any kind of alien/paranormal experience, my scope is somewhat limited. The best advice I can give to you is to fight back against the aliens. Do not let any people, much less aliens, take you without a fight. If I were you, I would make an attempt to get abducted again, but this time, come strapped up. Carrying firepower and explosives and maybe 2 or 3 syringes of adrenaline will be enough to strike the American fear into any species. What you decide to do with those aliens once you’ve met them face to face is up to you, Mr. Fred.
8/6/2019 1 Comment Stanley Round Seeking AdviceMr. Bayer, I write to you in hopes that you can help me out of a sticky situation. I told my lovely wife that we would celebrate Thanksgiving with her parents, but it occurred to me that I don't like spending time with her family. What is the best way to avoid the whole situation, yet keep everyone happy? Best regards, Stanley Round Isaac Bayer answers...Greetings Mr. Round.
It is a pleasure to finally have an opportunity to talk to you. Firstly, I must say it’s somewhat strange that you would seemingly suddenly “realize” you don’t like spending time with your wife’s family. However, with that point aside, let’s get you some sound advice. I too find myself around plenty of people where I would just rather turn around and head back home. I wish it was that easy. The truth is, Stanley, sacrifice is going to be key here. Fake an injury, or better yet, inflict moderate harm upon yourself and obtain an actual injury. Your next step is to dial 911, and make sure they step on it. The less time you have to explain to your wife about this situation the better. Your best bet now will be to keep any answers vague, and once the ambulance gets there, simply tell your wife to enjoy the time with your family and that you’ll meet her later. At this point, you’re probably in the clear. Good luck Mr. Round. 7/18/2019 1 Comment Bart Marble Seeking AdviceSo...I am convinced that the John Wick story is just a computer generated storyline that is actually taking place in Neo’s mind in The Matrix. I believe a severe and sweeping reveal will be forthcoming in the series. My friends say I am crazy...what say you??? Blue pill or red pill sir? Isaac Bayer answers...Mr. Marble, your friends are correct. I understand how some could seemingly draw the connections from The Matrix to John Wick, with some of the same characters, the fact that he doesn’t die despite serious and recurrent injury. However, my advice is give up on this absurd fantasy. It does the movies and the fans a great disservice to assume this is the case, and if the writers and producers take this path and tie it into The Matrix, then it will be a disappointment to many. Not to say that The Matrix isn’t a good movie series, it’s just that the two movie franchises are too unique to be connected without a great stretch.
7/10/2019 1 Comment Claire Edwards Seeking AdviceI have a deeply rooted fear of farm animals. I mean, any farm animals. Including, but not limited to: horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and ducks. Does this seem irrational and how should I get over it? Isaac Bayer answers...Humans are an apex predator. We have risen above most all animals on this planet and certainly all farm animals. The biggest fear you should have about farm animals is that you might step in their poop, or worry if their meat will provide you enough protein to keep you full until dinner. With that being said, studies have shown that farm animals such as horses and cows kill the most people statistically, but with 25 million farm animals killed each day, perhaps you can find some kind of peace and sleep soundly with that fact in your mind. In my opinion, take a summer job at a farm, tackle this fear head on, and if you happen to survive those few months then you should consider yourself “over it”.
7/10/2019 1 Comment Anonymous Seeking AdviceI work with young kids, and in a time where participation trophies are so prevalent, it's very difficult to get teaching points across to kids sometimes. In your professional opinion, how would you go about relating to the young, sensitive generation among us? Isaac Bayer answers...Remove the participation trophies, the “at least you tried” ribbons, and the “as long as you had fun” medals. The best way to get any point across, especially in today’s youth, is to raise the stakes. I find that in the human race, the response to fear is far stronger and more motivating than the response to reward. Therefore, strike fear into the minds of these young boys and girls. You didn’t make a passing score on a test? Double homework. You didn’t score a sufficient amount of points at the game? 2 mile run. Relating to these kids is the least effective means of getting through to them. It’s always been in anyone’s best interest to expose children to the truth of the real world instead of letting them feel accomplished when nothing has been accomplished.
7/7/2019 2 Comments Sofia Bayer Seeking AdviceIn my family, I’m the favorite child, and sometimes it’s really hard to receive all the love and attention that my older brother never gets because he’s a disappointment to our family. What’s your advice on how to receive these abundant amounts of love and free money that my brother (a bald, fat, overweight loser) never got? Isaac Bayer answers...In my personal and professional opinion, this sounds like a textbook case of clinical narcissism. I think it’s best if you get yourself checked into a psychiatric ward. Perhaps, if it is truly as bad as you say, you can right this awful deed by giving some of that free money to your brother. Just a thought.
7/7/2019 0 Comments Anonymous Seeking AdviceI have had a beard for over 20 years and now the company I work for has enacted “grooming standards” where beards are no longer allowed. What should I do? Fight it, shave or retire? Isaac Bayer answers...Rule number 1 of facial hair is if you can grow it, grow it. Rule number 2 of facial hair is if you grow it, don’t shave it. Any real American company would never force a man to shave his face, with the exception being the government itself. Your best bet is to not shave at all and see how long you can work without being fired. Once, or if, it comes to that point, go ahead and let it happen. Who wants to work for someone that tells you how to look, anyway?
7/7/2019 1 Comment Anonymous Seeking AdviceI am 48 years old and contemplating a new tattoo. Am I too old for that? Isaac Bayer answers...Yes.
7/7/2019 1 Comment Anonymous Seeking AdviceI work with someone that has bad BO. How can I politely tell them they stink? Isaac Bayer answers...Frankness: cut the B.S. The best way to tell this person that they smell is to tell them directly to their face. The problem with being nice to people is that they don’t always understand what you’re trying to say. A quick yet stern talking to usually will seem to clear up most social problems you will encounter. If the problem persists, rig around 3 to 4 automatic air fresheners in the general vicinity of where they work. Either they will stop smelling bad, or they’ll become aware of their barbarian lifestyle.
Author: Isaac BayerHow to Stop Bullshitting Yourself and Get Real Archives
September 2020